Wednesday, November 26, 2008

what have i become..

the title of this post comes from a NIN nails song, Hurt, which the great Johnny Cash covered.. anyways, here is what my days at work are like:

get to work at 9.30. have coffee & a smoke. talk shit with jerome and kerryn. start up my laptop. check mail. see what needs to be done. go to pick 'n pay. have more coffee (i am currently at a tie with jerome for person who consumes the most coffee per day). go pee (i am currently the title holder for the most frequent urination). bother craig for work to do. run down to the car to get my mapbook for chris. hassle leigh-anne with my stories. eat kerryn;s lunch. have yet more coffee. hassle nick a bit. hassle fabian. go home at 4.30

Just because you're going forwards doesn't mean I'm going backwards..

so, work has been pretty productive this week, which is swell. been also getting up earlier!

last night, rohan and i went for dinner at our favourite place, and this morning, we went to fetch his car (finally) which should be working properly now. tonight we have dinner at his mom's, and then tomorrow night we are going to A NIGHT OF 1000 DRAWINGS - an exhibition.

in other news, my sister is in brussels this week, what a cool thing to do on your birthday. im slightly jealous..

Sunday, November 23, 2008

we'll talk tomorrow..

i had a major hungover on friday, so i went to rohans and slept. then we went to dinner at our favourite place in melville, and then to the bo for the punk gig. as usual, i got way too drunk :/

yesterday, we got some DVDs froma rad place in melville, and i found TWIN PEAKS there! i was so chuffed. so we watched 2 episodes of that, gonna watch more soon..

today, i dropped rohan off at work and came back. im now bored and lazy..

it was my sister's birthday yesterday, so i phoned her, and she said yesterday was the first snow of the year. im so jealous!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Good time to roll on..

yesterday, after work, i rohan & i went to his mom's for dinner. then i went home and passed out at about 10pm! barely got up this morning!

i wanna move overseas sooooo badly. alas, we will have to wait til the economic crisis calms down..

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Always remember the pact that we made - too young to die, but old as a grave..

ah another day of work :)

yesterday, my laptop was giving me so much shit.. i went home and downloaded a new virus programme and found 23 viruses! all is good now, everything has been fixed, yay! i just need to fix my CD ROM and my laptop is pimped.. then il buy a drawing tablet.. and later, i will sell the laptop and get a mac book.

on monday, rohan and i went out for chinese and then to my place.. we got THE USUAL SUSPECTS and THE EYE.. the first was awesome.. unfortunately, the latter sucked balls.. then, last night rohan came over and slept at my place.

today iv just been working my bum off and its almost home time..


I'll be the one to show you the way
You'll be the one to always complain
Three in the morning come a bang, bang, bang
All out of fags and I just can't wait
Cancel the thing that I said I'd do,
I don't feel comfortable talking to you
Unless you got the zipper fixed on my shoe
then I'll be in the lobby drinking for two

Eighteen, balding, star
Golden, falling, hard

Look at the shaky's what's with the blush,
Fresh off the plane in my fuzzy rush
Everyone's gathered to idolise me,
I hate the way you talk your Japanese scream
It's been too long since I loved this shirt
You kick the bucket and I'll swing my legs
Always remember the pact that we made
Too young to die, but old as a grave

Eighteen, balding, star
Golden, falling, hard

I'm a gonna show the way
I'm a gonna show the way
I'm a gonna show the way
I'm a gonna show the way

Eighteen, balding, star

Sunday, November 16, 2008

spin out of control..

so, its my dads birthday today.. we are going out for dinner tonight yum yum..

friday night, rohan and i got very drunk in melville.. yesterday we chilled all day and watched DVDs. seven was brilliant (yes, i hadnt seen it til yesterday), in bruges was beyond awesome, and the hills have eyes was too heavy.. although iv seen it..

Thursday, November 13, 2008

hit me with your best shot..

ah im so tired. iv had such a busy week!

tuesday night was spent with rohan at my place, watching EASTERN PROMISES.. yesterday, i had a shit day.. but he made it better.. and then we had dinner with his mom. i slept over and went straight to work this morning. then after work, i hung out with him for a bit longer, and then went home..

tomorrow, nick from injozi is taking us to GLAMOUR MECHANICS to watch a photoshoot. im amped.

Monday, November 10, 2008

we've all been sorry, we've all been hurt..

ah! first day of internships. it was so much fun! kerryn and i got there at 10, and worked on some stuff, and before we knew it, it was time to go home! was quite productive.. then we picked up rohan from work and kerryn dropped us off at my house. we got MAMMA'S BOY, wasnt as bad as i expected.. watching GHOST SHIP now, which is one of my favourites!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

i cant think..

i cant even ATTEMPT to think of a title for this entry! im so exhausted, and so partied out..

the events started off with friday night at COOL RUNNINGS in fourways with everyone, to celebrate the end of college. then yesterday, rohan and i made a mission to china mart, it was awesome! then we went to melville, then to james' braai, then to jolly, then to christians. whew. went to bed at about 4am. iv been sleeping all day. and yet im still drained!

iv been having some weird design ideas as of late, that i wanna explore, so we will see what happens.

start my internship tomorrow woot woot!

Friday, November 7, 2008

if you lose me girl, you lose a good thing, thats one thing i know for sure..

aye, so im done with exams, now im praying that i can graduate!

i went to ART EXTRA last night, where rohan was working and then we went to dinner, and then to the bo for a bit.. some guy did an acoustic version of OUTCAST's HEY YA, which was awesome! i got drun k off a glass of wine and 3 beers and passed out before 12.. this morning, we went to MUGG & BEAN in melville and then to rohan's work.. im bumming around online now, chatting to my little sister, gonna pick up rohan from work at 6 and then we're going out with my friends :) and i get to spend all weekend with rohan woot woot!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

we're nothing short of invincible..

ah! todays exam went pretty well, hopefully i scored high enough! tomorrow's exam seems pretty easy..

and OBAMA is president! yay! finally, no more republican bullshitters. no more FRANCO UNAMERICAN. thank god bush can never be president again! fucking idiot. and people pro the civil war, must be turning in their graves right now..

Monday, November 3, 2008

God give me grace and dancing feet, and the power to impress..

i have been studying SO hard.. i watched a movie called PARIS IS BURNING - one of our set works.. its really really sad. then i read BUTLER on the movie - honestly, i dont know why feminists have to use such big words.. i barely decoded what she was saying :(

im off to study more.. been up since 7.. way too early for me..

elections today

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Like the angel, you are, left creating a lightness in my chest..

im in quite a pickle over academics - i failed one subject, and all my other marks are good.. if i dont have between 66% and 70% on both my exams, i will fail the year. WHICH CANNOT HAPPEN. so iv been studying all fucking weekend, nonstop. now is the first time im really having a break.

thursday was our college's exhibition, showcasing 3rd year and honours work. it went well, i think. except that there was no bar, only slushies with vodka in em.. and there were a few fights that night, including an honours student hitting one of the lecturers. not cool.

rohan helped cut my business cards, and then we went to the exhibition. he left at around 20.30 and then came back at 21:30 to pick me up, and we set off for rosebank., where his mom was having his birthday. then we went to bowls, which was closing. i was pretty drunk so then we just went home. my parents came to support me for once in my life, at the exhibition. it was quite nice..